Section, subsection, and subsubsection headings should be printed in the
style shown in these instructions.
Leave a blank space of approximately 10 points above and 8 points below
section headings, 9 points above and 4 points below subsection headings,
and 8 points above and 3 points below subsubsection headings.
Special sections should be arranged and headed as follows:
- Acknowledgments:
- The Acknowledgments section, if included,
follows the main body of the text and is headed
``Acknowledgments,'' printed in the same style
as a section heading, but without a number.
- Appendices:
- Any Appendices follow the Acknowledgments
(or directly follow the text) and look like
sections, except that they are numbered with capital
letters instead of arabic numerals.
- References:
- The References section is headed ``References,'' printed in the same
style as a section heading, but without a number.
A sample list of references is given at the end of these
Use a consistent format for references, such as provided by